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How Often Does Disney Movie Rewards Get New Rewards

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Does this sound familiar?

You start a new habit, only to quit in frustration a few days later.

Unfortunately, this is a common experience for many people who want to lose weight, increase productivity, or stick with a new exercise routine.

Why does this happen?

Well, one reason folks struggle is because it's really hard to stay consistent when they don't see immediate results from their behavior change.

Fortunately, there is a simple way to stick with your habits, goals, and tasks:

Reward yourself whenever you reach an important milestone or achieve a specific goal.

The logic here?

Having something to look forward to makes it easier to stick with a habit when you're feeling a lack of motivation (or when you're simply too tired to get started).

In this post, I'll go over 155 ways to reward yourself for completing a goal or task.​

WARNING: One thing before we get started, any reward you choose shouldn't derail your goals or habits.
For instance, if you're focusing on weight loss and you achieve a breakthrough, don't pick a food reward, because that completely defeats the purpose of your accomplishment. Keep this rule in mind as you go through this list.

(Side note: One way to ​​reward yourself is to start ​each morning on the "right foot" by learning something new.  So join over 1 million others and start your day with the latest news from Wall St. to Silicon Valley. This newsletter is a 5-minute read that's informative, witty and FREE! )

reward yourself entertainment rewards

Entertainment Rewards

  • Do a fun activity with your kids.  (Here are 88 enjoyable activities you can do with your kids.)
  • Enjoy a laugh at a local comedy club. (In fact, watching successful comics is a great way to improve your humor skills.)
  • Go to a carnival, festival, or arts and crafts show.
  • Go to a concert.
  • Go to an art gallery.
  • Indulge your senses with a season pass to the theater or opera.
  • Learn a new skill. Sign up for a class to learn a skill you've always wanted to learn.
  • Listen to an awesome podcast. Here are 23 motivational podcasts, 17 meditation podcasts, 27 funny podcasts, and 19 happiness podcasts that you can check out.
  • Listen to music that motivates, energizes, or relaxes you.
  • Marathon your favorite show on Netflix.
  • Plan a night out with your friends.
  • Play a Wii game.
  • Play pool.
  • Play your favorite online game.
  • Attend a drag show. Check out a drag show in your area because why not? Read this first though: How to Attend a Drag Show for the First Time
  • Attend a sporting event.
  • Subscribe to a premium Spotify membership.
  • See a movie in the middle of the day when the theater's not full.
  • Sing karaoke. Check out karaoke channels on Youtube.
  • Take a cooking/pottery/photography class.
  • Throw a big party.
  • Visit the museum. Start with the "free" museums.
  • Watch (or re-watch) a movie at home. (Here's a list of our favorite philosophical movies.)
  • Watch all the cute animal videos on YouTube you want.
  • Watch bloopers and funny videos on You Tube.

RELATED: Habits that Stick!

Want to build a new habit that will stick for the rest of your lifetime? In this video, you will discover a simple 9-step process about building habits that you can immediately implement.

reward yourself food rewards

Food Rewards

  • Enjoy this green superfood drink in the morning.
  • Buy your favorite pastry or cake.
  • Cook your favorite dish. Use all those expensive ingredients.
  • Treat yourself to a meal kit delivery service for a few weeks instead of cooking.
  • Drink a glass (or two!) of wine.
  • Eat at your favorite restaurant.
  • Give in to your sweet tooth by buying your favorite candy.
  • Enjoy your lunch outdoors.
  • Make a gourmet dessert.
  • Make your own chocolate fondue.
  • Order in.
  • Take a break from work and buy your favorite ice cream or frozen yogurt.
  • Treat yourself to a smoothie or milkshake.
  • Buy some fancy cheese and crackers.

(If you're looking for the opposite, here are some rewards that doesn't involve any food.)

reward yourself free rewards

Free Rewards

  • Call (or spend a day with) a friend or family member who makes you smile.
  • Color. ​Check out these fun adult coloring book options.
  • Create a personal sanctuary. Create a private space at home where you can relax.
  • Dance and sing.
  • Designate a lazy day and do absolutely nothing.
  • Do a crossword puzzle or word search.
  • Draw or doodle.
  • Engage in a little gardening.
  • Enjoy a bubble bath or a long shower.
  • Enjoy an at-home spa day.
  • Go screenless for an hour –specifically take a break from social media.
  • Host a game night and play classics such as Pictionary, Twister, and Charades with friends.
  • Knit, crochet, cross stitch, embroider, or sew.
  • Lie in a hammock.
  • Light candles or, better yet, light scented candles.
  • Play poker or another card game with friends.
  • Re-organize your closet.
  • Sit on a porch swing.
  • Take a selfie.
  • Take a short break during the workday.
  • Take photos.
  • Visit the library or bookstore all by yourself.
  • Volunteer at the local shelter.
  • Write a note to a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in a while. Include a note about how you're thankful for how they've positively impacted your life. (Here's a simple process for writing a great thank you note.)
reward yourself self care rewards

Self-Care Rewards

  • Book a session with a personal trainer.
  • Get a manicure or pedicure (or both).
  • Get a new hairstyle or try a fresh hair color.
  • Get a new tattoo or piercing.
  • Get fitted for a new sports bra.
  • Get fitted for workout shoes at a running store.
  • Get some new shades for outdoor exercise.
  • Get yourself a bottle of fancy shower gel or lotion.
  • Head to a salon to get your eyebrows waxed or threaded.
  • Hire someone to clean your house.
  • Invest in some moisture-wicking workout socks to avoid sweaty feet!
  • Invest in a fitness tracker to motivate you even more.
  • Put off today's to-do list until tomorrow.
  • Meet a friend on a Saturday morning for a cappuccino or brunch.
  • Pamper yourself with a week at a luxury spa.
  • Practice mindful writing.
  • Shave your legs and put clean sheets on your bed.
  • Sign up for a charity walk or running event.
  • Sign up for a healthy subscription box.
  • Sign up for a yoga/Sumba/pole dancing class.
  • Take a day off work for no reason at all.
  • Take a five-minute self-esteem breather.
  • Take a guilt-free nap.
  • Take time to do your hair and makeup.
  • Take your car for an inside-out cleaning.
  • Treat yourself to a massage or facial.
  • Try a new mindfulness exercise (Here are 71 great suggestions to get started.)
  • Try aromatherapy—a safe and natural way to treat various ailments.
  • Watch a YouTube makeup tutorial and experiment.
  • Wear a new scent that pleases you.
  • Wear something that makes you feel confident.
  • Work on your hobby or a craft project that you enjoy. (You can get started with these 55 hobbies for women and 60 hobbies for men.)
  • Write in your journal. (Here are 33 journaling ideas to get you started.)
  • Schedule a professional portrait shoot.
  • Go to sleep early.
reward yourself shopping rewards

​(​Side note: If you're looking to save a little cash each month, then check out this blog post where we feature 17 money-saving apps and websites .)

  • Begin a "rewards savings." Reward yourself with money. Every time you reach a goal, add $5, $10, or $20 to your "rewards savings" account.
  • Begin a collection—be it stamps, action figures, sports memorabilia, etc. Enjoy the thrill of seeking, owning, and growing your collection.
  • Brighten up your goal calendar with stickers. Use stickers to highlight achievements and emphasize deadlines.
  • Browse a flea market, antique shop, or thrift store. Maybe you'll finally find that one piece of furniture you've been looking for.
  • Buy a car or home stereo, or a big screen TV. Reserve this splurge for when you achieve big goals.
  • Buy a fancy new water pitcher or bottle—a perfect reward for meeting a fitness goal.
  • Buy a lottery ticket.
  • Buy a new painting for your living room or bedroom. Brighten up your surroundings with a new painting or wall décor.
  • Buy a new app. Whether it be a game app or something related to your goals, buy that premium app you've been wanting for a while.
  • Buy a new book and read it. Buy a hardcover copy of a book on your reading list and schedule uninterrupted time to read it. (We have an ever-growing list of over 250 books that we recommend checking out.)
  • Buy a new purse or laptop bag. This is another splurge reward you can give yourself when you achieve a significant milestone.
  • Buy a new workout DVD. Give yourself permission to try a new workout once you reach a previous goal. This also helps keep exercise interesting.
  • Buy a new workout outfit—a perfect reward for meeting a weight goal.
  • Buy a plant for your bedside table or garden. Plants in your workspace promote happiness and productivity.
  • Buy a small personal blender for smoothies and protein shakes.
  • Buy and hang a bird feeder and sit and watch the birds enjoy.
  • Buy one thing off of your Pinterest boards.
  • Buy or make a special piece of jewelry.
  • Buy something that will make your job more enjoyable, like a new picture frame or a desk toy.
  • Buy yourself a fresh bouquet of flowers to display in your home.
  • Buy yourself a nice journal to write reflections, emotions, goals, and dreams in.
  • Buy yourself a pretty scarf or hat and wear it.
    Give someone an unexpected gift.
  • Buy a glossy entertainment magazine and read up on the latest celeb and fashion news.
  • Buy some brand-new makeup.
  • Buy a pair of high-end wireless headphones.
  • Buy colorful shoelaces to perk up your walking shoes.
  • Redecorate your bedroom.
    Shop sales racks for discounted clothes and accessories.
reward yourself travel outdoor rewards

Travel and Outdoor Rewards

  • Adopt a dog, your new walking buddy.
  • Build a fire and enjoy its comforting warmth.
  • Discover a local hot spot or tourist site you've never taken the time to visit.
  • Enjoy a leisurely morning walk at the park.
  • Take a nice hike by yourself or with friends.
  • Enjoy the blooms at a botanical garden.
  • Find a peaceful place to sit and do nothing for a while, soaking up the sun or feeling the gentle breeze.
  • Fly a kite.
  • Go bowling with friends.
  • Go camping and enjoy some fresh air.
  • Go canoeing, paddle boarding, kayaking, or surfing.
  • Go for a nice bike ride.
  • Go for a swim.
  • Go geocaching.
  • Go horseback riding.
  • Go star gazing.
  • Go to the mall and window shop (or people watch).
  • Have a picnic for some quality family time.
  • Plan a weekend getaway with your significant other.
  • Plant a tree in your backyard.
  • Play Frisbee.
  • Sit at the beach when it's empty because everyone else is at work.
  • Spend a Saturday night at a quaint bed-and-breakfast.
  • Spend a week visiting your favorite national park.
  • Take a cruise to Hawaii and learn to snorkel.
  • Take a joyride with friends or family.
  • Take a mini-vacation.
  • Take a riverboat or sailboat ride.
  • Visit a pick-your-own farm or orchard and harvest sunflowers, strawberries, apples, and other homegrown treats.
  • Visit a winery, take a tour, and sample the product.
  • Visit the dog park.
  • Watch the sunrise or sunset.

Check out this list of outdoor hobbies you might like to try!

Final Thoughts on Rewarding Yourself

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to reward yourself. Some are small rewards that are a few minutes long and don't require any money, while other rewards can be both costly and life-changing (in a positive way). When using this list, make sure that the rewards match the accomplishments and you stay consistent.

Is there a reward that you enjoy that isn't on this list?

If so, comment below and tell me all about it.

And don't forget to share this post!

Finally, If you'd like to start your morning on the "right foot" then join over 1 million others and start your day with the latest news from Wall St. to Silicon Valley. This newsletter is a 5-minute read that's informative, witty and FREE!

Here's 101 ways to reward yourself whenever you hit an important milestone or achieve a specific goal.

155 Ways to Reward Yourself for Reaching Your Goals

How Often Does Disney Movie Rewards Get New Rewards
