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Ncert Solution Class 3 Chapter 5

Class-3, EVS, Chapter-5, Chhotu's House, Additional Exercises with solution /NCERT

Tick the correct answers of following questions about Chhotu's House:

(a) What did Chhotu think when he looked at the pipe?

(ii) To make a place for stay

(b) How did Chhotu use the pipe?

(c) Into which parts did Chhotu divide the pipe and its surrounding area?

(i) Sleeping area and cloth drying area

(ii) Sleeping area and kitchen

(d) In which part of his house will Chhotu like to spend most of his time?

(e) Why do you think Chhotu invited Monu to live with him in the pipe?

(ii) Chhotu wanted to earn money from rent

Encircle the odd one:

(a) Bucket, Tub, Soap, Shampoo, Bed

(b) Stove, Shower , Gas cylinder, Utensils, Coffee

(c) Sofa, Television, Table, Sink , Chair

(d) Bed, Curtains, Bucket, Dressing table, Cupboard

Draw a picture of your house in your notebook and colour it.

Who all live with you in your house?

Chhotu divided the pipe into different parts. Write the names of the different parts of your house.

Draw pictures of any two animals that live in our house uninvited. Write their names below the pictures.

Answer following questions:

Q.1 How do you keep your house clean?

Ans- I keep my house clean by-


Keeping the things at place


Throwing the waste in dustbin

Q.2 Who all help to keep your house clean?

Ans- All the members of my family together keep the house clean.

Q.3 Is there any special way in which you decorate your house? When and how?

Ans- During Deepawali we decorate our house using lamps.

Q.4 Name any three things with which you decorate your house.

Ans- Three things with which you decorate our house are:



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